Aylesbury Green Park Sub-Aqua Club Aylesbury Green Park Sub-Aqua Club British Sub-Aqua Club

Seals at the Farne Islands

Over the extended weekend 10th to 13th September 2010, a group from AGPSAC spent two days at Eyemouth and two days at the Farne Islands.

On the 12th we dived with seals, here are some videos and photographs of the seals.

When we arrived we had to wait for the tide to go out a bit more. I am not sure who was more anxious for us to start the dive, the divers or the waiting seals.

Seals watching us watching them
Seals are extremely curious about divers, even if they do not wish to play, they will swim past, demonstrating their superiority under water. Seal video - click to view
When you are diving with seals, you often feel a tugging on your fins, as demonstrated here. They are especially fascinated by the colour yellow. Seal video - click to view
Sometimes they just wait for you to approach. This one allowed me to approach it (while videoing), then I took a number of still shots with my camera. I then backed away and my buddy took some pictures and then tickled it under the chin. Seal video - click to view
In the afternoon we dived Seal Gut, a channel that cuts the island of Longstone in half. Seal video - click to view